

20 Jul 2020 A certified fraud examiner is a professional certification available to examiners. It is issued by the world's largest anti-fraud organization.

vb tr. 1 to look at, inspect, or scrutinize carefully or in detail; investigate. 2 (Education) to test the knowledge or skill of (a candidate) in (a subject or activity) by written or oral questions or by practical tests. 3 (Law) to interrogate (a witness or accused person) formally on oath. examiner in British English.

Examiner meaning

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ex·am·ined, ex·am·in·ing, ex·am·ines. 1. a. To observe carefully or critically; inspect: examined the room for clues. b. To study or analyze: examine a tissue sample under a microscope; examine the structure of a novel; examine one's own motives. 2.

We are always looking to recruit new, skilled examiners and senior be aware of the role of each text's wider context in shaping its meaning. av H Honts — be most helpful to examiners we provide evi- dence-based Our operational definition of "countermea- sure"? Did the examiner use some sort of activity  of Collective Meaning-Making of Self-Tracking Data, en_US.

This is where the principal examiner will discuss and finalise the mark scheme with all examiners to ensure consistent and accurate marking. For on-screen 

vb tr. 1 to look at, inspect, or scrutinize carefully or in detail; investigate.

English words for examiner include examine, consider, look, discuss, explore, investigate, study, deal, look into and test. Find more French words at!

Com. Dig. Chancery, P 1. For rules as to the mode of taking examinations, see Gresl. Eq. Ev. noun. 1 A person whose job is to inspect something; an inspector. ‘a police vehicle examiner’. More example sentences. ‘He said he had not been informed of the medical examiner's homicide determination.’.

Examiner meaning

A medical examiner differs from a Coroner in that a medical examiner is a physician. Medical examiners have replaced coroners in most states and jurisdictions. examiners. DEFINITIONS 1. 1.
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Examiner meaning

vb tr. 1 to look at, inspect, or scrutinize carefully or in detail; investigate. 2 (Education) to test the knowledge or skill of (a candidate) in (a subject or activity) by written or oral questions or by practical tests. 3 (Law) to interrogate (a witness or accused person) formally on oath.

See definitions of examiner. 1. consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning. 2.
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Definition of medical examiner. : a usually appointed public officer whose duties are similar to those of a coroner but who is typically required to have specific medical training (as in pathology) and is qualified to conduct medical examinations and autopsies.

Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.